YouTube’s Search Function Gets Cool New Features

YouTube is rolling a couple of new features for Search on the platform, the thing that allows you to sift through the millions and millions of videos hosted on the site. For mobile users specifically, you can now expect to see videos auto play (with no sound) when scrolling over them, similar to how another site, its name unmentionable, currently operates. This will help provide insight into what you can expect from said video.

In addition, when a creator has created timestamps (aka chapters) for a video, you can now scroll through the various chapters before clicking on that video in search results, allowing you to jump directly into the section you need the most.

To wrap it up, YouTube is also showing search results from other languages with automatically-translated captions, titles, and descriptions when “relevant content in the local language isn’t available.” YouTube’s example is, someone in Thailand can learn physics from a professor at MIT in their own captioned native language. More accessibility is always good.

Expect to see these changes start hitting your YouTube experience this week.

// YouTube

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