Chromecast with Google TV Getting More Kid Friendly

Google launched the Chromecast with Google TV without any type of true multi-user support, including support for kids profiles. This means that anyone who is using the device has access to everything on the device and there is no way to block certain content from, for example, young viewers.

As detailed this week, that’s soon to change, as Google will be introducing Kids Profiles in “the next month (or so).”

Here’s what a Google representative posted to the Issue Tracker website.

Just wanted to post an update that Kids Profiles should be rolling out in the next month (or so).

Restricted profiles are indeed deprecated in GTV and replaced by the new feature “Kids Profiles”, which allows you to setup a safe space for kids in google TV. During onboarding you can chose what apps to make available to kids. Youtube kids is available by default and other installed apps required parent opt-in before they are made available to the kid. Leaving the kids profile can be restricted by a PIN to prevent kids from accidentally going back to the parent account.

While that’s totally cool, it doesn’t exactly add multi-user support, which is what I’d really like to have. I have some movies from Google Play tied to another Google account of mine, which I can only access from my phone and then cast to the Google TV. It’s an annoying workaround, but that’s what Google offers. Cool.

As soon as this change rolls out, we’ll let you know.

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// Android Police | Google Issue Tracker

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