Apple offering free three-month Apple News+ trial now through Monday

Apple launched a promotional Apple News+ offer this week that nets new users free access to the service for three months, two months longer than the typical one-month trial.

Announced in a tweet posted to the official Apple News+ Twitter account, Apple’s limited trial offer went live on Wednesday and is valid through Monday in Australia, Canada the UK and the U.S.

The standard Apple News+ trial period is capped at one month. Apple’s news service is available for $9.99 a month or as part of the $29.95 Premiere Apple One bundle.

This week’s promotion arrives as Apple struggles to gain new subscribers amid a tepid response from both customers and participating publications. In July, Apple issued a similar program to woo back former subscribers.

Apple rarely publicizes figures for Apple News, but in April said the service had 125 million users across its free and paid tiers.

Apple News+ launched in March 2019 with access to a number of publications, including The Wall Street Journal. Also included is access to a host of magazines previously offered through Texture, which Apple purchased in 2018.

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