How to borrow credit from Airtel Ghana

airtelAirtel Credit gives an  Airtel Ghana customer the opportunity to borrow airtime from 30Gp to GHc 2 when he needs it. The customer pays back later with 20% interest.


  1. Subscriber must be a prepaid subscriber.
  2. Subscriber must not be a debtor, i.e. subscriber must not have any uncovered debt.
  3. Customers are able to request for advance airtime when they run out by dialing *130# to get the highest advance airtime amount you qualify for.
  4. The advance airtime available for advance to customers are30Gp, 70Gp, GHC 1 and GHC 2.
  5. The customer is deducted the loaned amount, in part or in full depending on the amount topped up on the next top-up(s).
  6. To be eligible for the credit loan, a subscriber must have been active on the Airtel Ghana network for more than 90 Days, and should have recharged with at least a GHC 2 voucher in the past 90 days.
  7. A service fee of 20% will apply on advance airtime amounts.


 GHC 2GHC 170Gp30Gp
Minimum days of activeness on network120 days90 days90 days90 days
Cumulative Recharge amount in last 90 daysGHC 40GHC 20GHC 5GHC 2
USSD code to dial to receive specific amount*130*2#*130*100#*130*70#*130*30#
Amount to be paid backGHC 2.40GHC 1.20GHC 0.84GHC 0.34


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