You can now browse Zillow real estate listings with FaceTime & SharePlay

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Popular real estate database Zillow has just added support for SharePlay, allowing prospective homebuyers to co-browse listings together.

Whether you’re looking to buy a home, a prospective renter, or just someone who loves to window-shop houses, you’re probably no stranger to browsing Zillow. Now you can browse Zillow together in real-time over a FaceTime call, thanks to SharePlay.

This is especially useful for prospective roommates or long-distance couples looking to get a place together. Simply fire up Zillow and tap the “Start SharePlay Here” button to begin a FaceTime call. Once in the call, participants can browse maps, view listings in photo galleries, and even see each others’ saved listings and tags.

It’s also a valuable tool for real estate agents, who can use a FaceTime call to connect with customers and guide them to homes they may not have considered.

SharePlay, announced in June 2021, is a new feature attached to FaceTime that allows users to share media with family and friends like video, music, apps, and the screen.

Recently, Twitch added SharePlay integration for iPad and iPhone users, allowing friends to watch a Twitch stream together.

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