The latest update for Google Photos introduces a new feature called ‘Undo Device Backup’ option.

Google unveiled a new feature called “Undo Device Backup” in Google Photos this week. This feature allows users to easily remove any photos or videos from their Photos account that are linked to the device they are using. The content will only be removed from the cloud, not from the actual device itself. This is particularly beneficial for Pixel users who use Photos as their main gallery app, as it can be confusing to delete content from the cloud versus just the device.

To use this feature:
1. Open the Google Photos app.
2. Tap on your profile picture or initial at the top, then go to Google Photos settings and Backup.
3. Scroll down to view off-screen items.
4. Tap on “Undo backup for this device.”
5. Check the box next to “I understand my photos and videos from this device will be deleted from Google Photos.”
6. Tap on “Delete Google Photos backup.”

This feature is currently available for iOS users and will be coming to Android users soon. – Google Support

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