Sackboy: A Big Adventure special editions include PlayStation-themed costumes and other extras

Sackboy A Big Adventure ImageSource: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Sackboy: A Big Adventure is an upcoming co-op platformer for PS4 and PS5 starring Sackboy from the LittleBigPlanet series. It’s being developed by Sumo Digital and published by PlayStation Studios. Today, some special editions for the game were revealed via PlayStation Blog.

To start, there’s a Digital Deluxe edition that includes the following:

  • A digital art book.
  • A digital soundtrack.
  • 4 Sackboy costumes: Jin from Ghost of Tsushima, Sam Porter Bridges from Death Stranding, Connor from Detroit Become Human and Deacon St. John from Days Gone.
  • 4 Sackboy emotes based on the characters above.
  • 20 Sackboy avatars wearing different game costumes.

Then, there’s a PS4-only Special Edition that includes everything above, plus an art book and a Sackboy plush, which you can see below.

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Sackboy A Big Adventure Special EditionSource: Sony Interactive Entertainment

It’s worth noting that if you buy the PS4 version of Sackboy: A Big Adventure, you get a free upgrade to the PS5 version at no extra cost.

Sackboy: A Big Adventure is set to release alongside the PS5 on November 12 in certain countries like the U.S and the U.K, with a global release on November 19. Other PS5 launch titles include Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Godfall and the Demon’s Souls PS5 remake.

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