Netflix Titles Disappear From Google TV App

Sad news for Google TV app users, at least for the time being. Noted by 9to5Google, Netflix’s recommended content has disappeared from the Google TV app. That means you won’t see any Netflix movies or TV shows pop up in your recommended sections, and when you consider what the new Google TV experience is — nothing but recommendations and previewing content from within your favorite services — this seems like a bad thing.

However, in the search function of the app, you can still find Netflix titles, though, you can’t access any way to watch the shows or movies from within Google TV. It’s all very strange, and hopefully, it’s a bug or something like that.

In a generic statement provided from Google they say:

With Google TV, our goal is to bring the best of our search and discovery features across your subscriptions to your favorite devices. We work with each content partner to enable these entertainment experiences, and the level of integration will vary by partner.


Is Google trying to say Netflix doesn’t like people being able to quickly access its library from other sources? Who’s at fault here? We don’t know, but again, it’s odd.

For Netflix users, just use the Netflix app for your watching needs until this gets sorted.

// 9to5Google

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