It may not come as a shock, but net neutrality rules have been temporarily blocked.

Thursday saw the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals blocking the FCC’s Title II reclassification of broadband services, citing a need for clear congressional authorization.

Earlier in 2024, the FCC had decided to classify broadband internet providers as common carriers, akin to telephone providers (a debate ongoing since 2005). Providers opposed this decision and sought to block it before implementation. The 6th Circuit Court granted this request in June, stating a requirement for more time and input to evaluate the appeal. This week, it was determined that additional time was unnecessary and immediate input was not required.

It’s not surprising that an appeals court made a decision without hearing oral arguments from one side, as is common in American judiciary. As William Churchill once said, “Politics is not a game. It is an earnest business.”

In any situation, there are two sides, each advocating for their position. However, the true objective of laws is to serve the best interests of all. Ideally, partisan influences and lobbying efforts should be set aside as both sides collaborate in court for the greater good.

In reality, telecom providers petitioned a partisan court for assistance. Given it’s an election year, oral arguments are scheduled for late October or early November—just prior to the election—blocking these changes could potentially favor one side. The correctness of the ruling, the FCC’s authority, and the obligations of telecom providers remain subjects of debate, without listening to any legal arguments as initially planned.

Regardless of what side you’re on, you should be upset

It is imperative to question decisions that exhibit evident partisan politics impinging on outcomes that should benefit the collective. Transparency is crucial in governance, and the public deserves to understand the rationale behind regulatory decisions affecting them.

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(Image credit: Louis Velazquez)

Efforts must be made to prioritize individual decisions based on what is right for each person, rather than adhering solely to party lines. Net neutrality’s significance lies in the impact on internet access and pricing, underscoring the need for thoughtful consideration in such regulatory matters.

Amidst the political landscape, it is crucial to dismiss extremist rhetoric and prioritizing personal values and beliefs over blind adherence to ideological factions. By critically evaluating each issue independently, individuals can make informed choices that align with their own best interests.

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