Huawei turns the fight against the US, sue HP, Cisco others.

Huawei has began to fight the US sanctions by targetting multiple brands like HP, Verizon, and even Cisco with patent infringement.  With the US cracking down hard on Huawei and pressurizing the company on multiple fronts, it seems that the smartphone vendor has started to fight back.

A few recent changes in the US Government’s FRAND agreements (fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory) have enabled Huawei to sue the aforementioned companies. In other words, the amendments have made it easier for Huawei to target these companies. The Chinese tech giant’s response to the US sanctions against starts from patent infringement claims Verizon for its own technology and products that it had acquired from Cisco and Hewlett-Packard.


At the moment, Huawei is demanding royalty payments for hundreds of patents. Notably, sources claimed that this event might also be leveraged by the Chinese company to compel court discovery on Verizon’s and its suppliers’ confidential information. In simplers terms, Huawei would be able to gain in-depth access to its competitor’s products and technology.


The turn of events was unexpected, to say the least, as the US Government, in particular, did not consider that Huwaei would turn the US patent law against American companies. We’ll provide more updates as we get them.


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