How Twitter’s Edit Button Works

A Twitter Edit button really is coming. The longest-running, cheesiest complaint in tech bro social media history, can finally end.

Twitter announced this morning that they are internally testing the new Edit button, which they previously confirmed was in the works, and that it’ll start rolling out to users this month. As the “most requested feature” of Twitter, this seems like kind of a big deal.

In order to access Twitter’s Edit button in the coming weeks, you’ll have to be a Twitter Blue subscriber (Now $4.99!). My guess is that it’ll always be a Twitter Blue feature, but Twitter sort of leaves open the possibility that Blue users will simply test it first before it expands.

For Twitter Blue users, the initial group of test subscribers will be “localized to a single country at first and expand as we learn and observe how people use Edit Tweet,” Twitter said in its announcement. They didn’t say what that country is. They recommended subscribing and turning on notifications for the @TwitterBlue account.

So how does an Edit button on Twitter work? Here’s the bulleted list of how:

  • An Edit button does indeed let you make changes to your Tweet after it has been published
  • You only have 30 minutes to tap the Edit button
  • You can edit a Tweet a “few times” during that 30 minute window
  • Edited Tweets will get a special icon, timestamp, and label so that everyone knows it has been edited
  • If you tap that label, you’ll get to see a Tweet’s history, including the original
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That all makes a lot of sense if like Twitter says, we are trying to “protect the integrity of the conversation.” Looking forward to testing it.

This article was first published at Source link . You can check them out for other stuffs