How to do a “Battery Pull” on Blackberry 10 devices.

As most of us have discovered that the new BlackBerry devices (Q5,Q10, Z10,Z30 etc) running on the Blackberry 10 platform have non-removable batteries included in them. This might come a s a setback to Blackberry users who are used to during a battery pull whenever their phones hangs or refuse to respond.


Although the new Blackberry 10 devices have very little chance of hanging like the old ones, the chance is still there. Just in case you are wondering how to perform a battery pull reset on any of these devices, I have the solution right here and it does not involve using a screwdriver.

Whenever you need to do a battery pull on your Blackberry 10 device, just press and hold the two volume keys for about twenty seconds (or less), this should do the trick.  I bet you want to try it now. Go ahead, no problem.

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