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Dangote Sugar refinery Plc (DSR) a major subsidiary of the Dangote Group, has disclosed that it has listed 146,878,241 additional ordinary shares on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), as a result of the recent merger with Savannah Sugar Company Limited.

This disclosure signed by Head, Listings Regulation Department, Godstime Iwenekhai, was released during trading hours on Wednesday.

In line with the resolution passed at the Court-Ordered meeting of members of Dangote Sugar Refinery Plc on the 9th of July 2020, the additional shares listed on the Exchange arose from the Scheme of Merger between Dangote Sugar Refinery Plc and Savannah Sugar Company Limited (SSCL).

The additional 146,878,241 ordinary shares of 50 kobo listed are in consideration for the transfer by SSCL of all its assets, liabilities and business undertakings, including real property and intellectual property rights to DSR.

Hence, these shares shall be issued and allotted to the shareholders of SSCL (The Scheme Shareholders), in place of 162,756,968 ordinary shares held by the Scheme Shareholders in SSCL as at close of business on the terminal Date, when Dangote Sugar merged with Savannah Sugar Company Limited.

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With the listing of the additional 146,878,241 ordinary shares, the total issued and fully paid-up shares of Dangote Sugar Refinery Plc has now increased from 12,000,000,000 to 12,146,878,241 ordinary shares of 50 kobo each.

Financial performance of Dangote Sugar Refinery Plc

Results for the first half of 2020 ended June 30, 2020, show revenue increased from N80.363 billion in the corresponding period of 2019 to N103 billion, as the company continue to benefit from border closure.

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However, the profit of the company in H1 2020 was marginally higher than the profit in the corresponding period of 2019, as a result of higher raw material and consumables costs which rose faster than the increase in revenue.

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