Google ranked second most valuable brand in the world

According to Interbrand’s Best Global Brands report, Google lost to Apple for the second year running.


The report valued Google at $107 billion, which was not enough to beat Apple’s valuation of $118.9 billion. Coca-Cola was ranked the third most valuable brand at $81 billion, IBM was placed fourth at a valuation of $72 billion, and Samsung came in at seventh with $45 billion. While evaluating the best brands in the world, Interbrand mentioned that it looked at three key factors:

  • The financial performance of the branded product and service
  • The role the brand plays in influencing customer choice
  • The strength the brand has to command a premium price or secure earnings for the company

Interbrand also noted that 2014 marked the first time two brands exceeded the $100 billion value. Other notable technology companies that made the list include Microsoft, placed fifth with a valuation of $61 billion, Amazon at number fifteen and many more.

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