Google Fit Gets a Huge Revamp

Google Fit has for far too long been a fitness tracking service without much depth, which is a problem for anyone serious about tracking their overall health profile. Today, Google is changing that some by pushing out a big overhaul to the Google Fit app and also bringing improvements to Wear OS.

In the upgraded Google Fit app on Android, you’ll find more metrics on the app’s home screen, along with sections to tell you if you are meeting your goals. Google is also adding new sections on the main page to show daily sleep info, recent workouts, weight measurements, and more.

Additionally, they are going to start providing more sleep info from devices that share that with Google Fit. Not only will it track nightly activity, you should finally see sleep stages, be able to set goals, etc. As long as you rock a device (Fossil watches, Oura Ring, Withings products, Sleep As Android, and others), prepare for more info.

As for the Wear OS stuff, Google is changing up the workout tile with shortcuts for recent workouts, plus during workouts you’ll see more info on your screen and can set things like pace alerts. Once done with workouts, you’ll get a much better summary card of your activity, with new options that’ll let you share stats, routes, and photos with friends.

New Google Fit Wear OS

And finally, the new weather tile that Google first told us about in August is rolling out, as is a new breathe tile to help you find a little breathing zen.

You should start to see everything over the next few days.

See also  Google Voice Gets a Big New Spam Call Feature

// Google

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