Google continues to show its love for acquiring talented individuals from HTC by incorporating VIVE employees into its Android XR platform.

Google is currently focusing on their new Android XR platform, aiming to capitalize on the growing popularity of mixed reality headsets. Inspired by Meta’s success with Meta Quest products and the Ray-Ban partnership, Google has ambitious plans for various types of headsets. They are starting with Samsung’s upcoming headset and eventually plan to release a pair of normal-looking glasses for everyday wear.

To expedite their entry into this space, Google is strategically acquiring talent from the industry. They have set their sights on HTC, known for their expertise in headset technology. Instead of purchasing smartphone engineers as they have done in the past, Google is now acquiring HTC VIVE engineers, aligning with their focus on developing the Android XR platform for headsets.

Google recently announced the talent acquisition, praising the team for their strong technical skills and successful track record in the VR space. They are eager to collaborate with them to enhance the Android XR platform for a range of headsets and glasses.

Android XR is on the horizon, with Google hoping for its longevity compared to previous headset projects like Daydream and Glass.

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