Galaxy Note 8 Drops Down to Quarterly Update Schedule

Like they did with the Galaxy S8 a few short months ago, Samsung has dropped the Galaxy Note 8 down from receiving monthly security patches to a quarterly schedule.

As is the case with any of Samsung’s flagship phones after they reach the 3-year-old mark, Samsung is now telling owners of the phone that they’ll continue to support the Galaxy Note 8, but they shouldn’t expect a fresh security patch every month. Instead, they’ll work with carrier partners to at least continue to deliver them every few months.

We’ve talked about this on a number of occasions in the past, that Samsung updates its phones longer than almost everyone. They deliver monthly security patches for 3 full years before settling into quarterly updates for another year. That’s 4 years of updates, something not even Google does for its Pixel phones.

If you own a Galaxy Note 9, Galaxy Note 10, or the new Galaxy Note 20, you are still getting monthly patches, as are the Galaxy S20, Galaxy S10, and Galaxy S9. But again, if you own a Galaxy Note 8, prepare for updates every three or so months until October of 2021.

// Samsung

Article First Apperared here

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