Etisalat Easylife 4.0

Easy life 4.0 is a new product from Etisalat and has been redesigned to get you more talk time for less. You can now make calls for as low as 15 kobo per second to all networks in 9ja.

It comes in two variants; the Flat Tariff Plan and the Voice Bundles. You can choose whichever plan suits you and still enjoy great value.

Flat Tariff Plan

Easy life 4.0 Flat Tariff plan gives you fantastic call rates for your local and international calls. You can now enjoy a flat tariff of 15 kobo per second for local calls to all networks, once the first minute of the day is charged at 40 kobo per second

You also pay just 20 kobo per second on International calls to UK landlines, USA, Canada, China and India from the very first second.

To activate the Easylife 4.0 Flat Tariff on your etisalat line, simply dial *620 *1#

Voice Bundle Plans

Easylife 4.0 bundles are voice only plans that gives you cheaper tariffs so you can talk more.

Available in 3 bundle plans: Easylife N300, Easylife N500 and Easylife 1,000.

Easylife voice BundlesBundle TariffValidity PeriodActivation code
N30018k/sec7 days*620*300#
N50017k/sec7 days*620*500#
N100016k/sec14 days*620*1000#


All voice bundles come with;

  1. 20 kobo per sec calls to UK Landlines, USA, Canada, China & India
  2. An additional N300 to call 2 registered You & Me numbers (On-Net)
  3. 20 free SMS to etisalat numbers


  1. Easy life 4.0 bundles can be used for ONLY voice calls
  2. These additional features come with a purchased bundle and also expire with the bundle
  3. If you deplete your voice bundle before or by the validity date, automatic renewal of the bundle will happen as long as you have the sufficient bundle amount in your main account
  4. If you do not have sufficient airtime for automatic renewal, you will be calling at the Out-of-Bundle rate of 25 kobo per second
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You can migrate to any of our other packages by dialing the applicable codes below

  • »To migrate to Easy Starter: Dial *244*2#
  • »To migrate to Easy Cliq: Dial *244*1#
  • »To migrate to Talkzone: Dial *244*8#

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