Corning’s Victus 2 Glass Looks Tough

Corning introduced Gorilla Glass Victus 2 this week, its toughest iteration of Gorilla Glass to date.

In its testing, Corning has found that Victus 2 has improved drop performance, a very high resistance to scratches and sharp contact damage, as well as better retained strength after such instances. That means a phone that has Victus 2 glass should continue to stay strong, even with multiple drops. However, we insist that you stop dropping your phone, butter fingers.

Corning states that Victus 2 is currently being considered by multiple customers and is expected to launch on consumer devices within the next few months. That’s soon! My money is on the Galaxy S23 lineup launching with Victus 2.

Below you can watch a glassgineer (that’s my word for a glass engineer) use a drop test machine to put Victus 2 through some torture.

Drop Test

// Corning [2] | IMAGE

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