Blackberry to monetize BBM, reaches 91 million users.

BBM now has more than 1.1 million channels. This was disclosed by Matthew Talbot, Senior VP of Emerging Solutions at BlackBerry, Tuesday. With all of those discussion groups, BlackBerry says that it is time to monetize the messaging app. Now “uniquely positioned to capitalize on a mobile messaging market,” you will see sponsors for everything from your posts to BBM stickers and invites. With over 91 million BBM subscribers, that is a pretty large number of people for advertisers to access. With BBM now multi-platform, advertisers can reach users of iOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry at one time.

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The Canadian company has agreements in place to bring ads and promos to your BBM feed. The ads blend in with your updates, not interfering with your chat experience. BlackBerry has been looking to monetize BBM for some time, especially Channels. The idea was for BlackBerry to find corporations willing to sponsor discussion groups. This is now in place as Channels users are “connected with brands and businesses.” Even with all of this advertising being done on an application where users share information about each other, BlackBerry will not allow any identifiable information to be seen by advertisers.

Is Blackberry trying to increase the value of BBM in order to make it attractable to prospective buyers?  Time will tell. What do you think about this?


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