BBM ready for Windows and Nokia X phones.


We’ve got exciting news for Windows Phone users this morning – BBM is on its way to you in the coming months! The free messaging app BBM, will be available for Nokia Windows and the latest Nokia Phones running on Nokia forked Android platform.

From the beginning we’ve said that we’re committed to listening to what customers want and you’ve spoken – Windows Phone users want BBM! BBM will also be supported on the newly announced Nokia X platform

In a recent press release John Sims, President, Global Enterprise Solutions at BlackBerry said,

“BBM continues to grow in popularity as millions of people use our mobile platform for chatting and connecting with friends or colleagues, and we are very excited that we will soon welcome Windows Phone and Nokia X users to the BBM community,”

Bryan Biniak, Vice President and GM of Developer Relations, Nokia Corporation added,

“Today marks an exciting moment for Nokia. By bringing BBM to the Windows Phone and Nokia Xcommunities, our customers will be able to experience this popular global messaging app.”

The BBM team is hard at work on BBM for Windows Phone and Nokia X as well as lots of great new features for BBM that we can’t wait to tell you about. BBM will be available as a free download for Windows Phone users this summer.

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