Apple services outage impacts App Store, Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple News, iCloud, more [u]

Apple on Tuesday suffered a sweeping services outage, with major platforms like the App Store, Apple Music, Apple Arcade, iCloud and others rendered inaccessible.

Trouble started at around 8 p.m. Eastern, according to Apple’s System Status webpage. As of this writing, some 25 services have been down for nearly two hours.

“Users are experiencing a problem with the App Store. We are investigating and will update the status as more information becomes available,” Apple said.

Currently, the App Store, Apple Arcade, Apple Books, Apple Business Manager, Apple Music, Apple School Manager, Apple TV+, Apple TV Channels, Apple Care in iOS, Find My, Game Center, iCloud Account and Sign-In, iCloud backup, iCloud Calendar, iCloud Contacts, iCloud Mail,, iTunes U, iWork for iCloud, the Mac App Store, News, Photos, Radio and Schoolwork are down. Apple resolved issues with Apple Card and Apple Cash, though the two services appear to be impacted by a second problem.

The company has not issued a statement on the matter and it is unclear what caused the widespread downtime.

Update 9:55 p.m. Eastern: Certain services including Find My, Game Center, iCloud and iWork were restored at 9:32 p.m. Eastern.

Article First Apperared here

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