Apple Fitness+: The next era of fitness is here, and everyone’s invited

Apple Fitness+ offers 10 different workouts types across a range of durations, including: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Strength, Yoga, Dance, Core, Cycling, Treadmill (for running and walking), Rowing, and Mindful Cooldown — along with inspiring music from today’s top artists, thoughtfully chosen for each workout to keep users moving and motivated. For those not sure what to do on any given day, Fitness+ recommends workouts based on what they already enjoy doing so they can jump right in with something familiar, try something new, discover a new trainer, or find a workout to complement their current routine. They can also use the intuitive filter to choose the trainer, time, workout, and music to fit their mood, and in seconds, they’ll be on their way to their next great workout.

For people who are just starting out, trying a new workout type, or getting back into exercise, Absolute Beginner workouts provide expert guidance through the basics of HIIT, Strength, Core, and Yoga as an option to prepare for the weekly studio workouts.

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