Apple cuts iPad screen repairs to $29 with AppleCare+

AppleCare+ logo atop an iPad

Buyers of the new iPad Air and iPad Pro now have an option with AppleCare+ to get broken screens replaced for just $29.

The new low fee is the same one that Apple has been running for iPhones since 2018, and it comes with the same condition. Specifically, the screen can be the only damaged item, and any other damage is charged at $99.

As spotted by MacRumors on Monday, having to pay for a screen repair without AppleCare+ is liable to cost as much as replacing the iPad. Prices vary depending on the specific model, but the range is from $449 to $999.

In comparison, AppleCare+ for the new iPads starts at $79 (or $3.99/month) for the 11-inch iPad Air. It rises to $169 ($8.49/month) for the new 13-inch iPad Pro. So, you break one screen during the warranty period, and you come out ahead.

However, it will be economic because Apple would not otherwise lower the price. It’s a sign of the company being confident enough in the strength of its iPad screens that it’s taking a bet that the number of broken screens will be fewer than the number of sales it makes by offering this new price.

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