Apple commissioned new ‘Shot on iPhone 13 Pro’ film from renowned director Park Chan-wook

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A new 20-minute “Shot on iPhone” film titled “Life is But a Dream” uses the iPhone 13 Pro to tell a fantastic story of an undertaker who wants to do right by his village’s savior.

The story opens as the undertaker creeps into a graveyard. He steals wood from an abandoned grave to build a coffin for White Martin, his village’s fallen savior. However, in doing so, he awakens the ghost of an ancient warrior who does not want to give up his coffin.

Apple commissioned the film from Park Chan-wook, an internationally renowned film director known for films such as “The Handmaiden” and “Oldboy.”

The film clocks in at just under 20 minutes in length and is chock-full of Park’s visual flair. It boasts surreal, dream-like elements and action-packed martial arts scenes.

To commemorate the Chinese New Year, Apple released a short film called “The Comeback” in January. The movie tells the tale of a young man returning home from a film shoot after an injury. He returns home and, with his father, sets out to shoot a sci-fi film with his friends and family and make that comeback.

In November, Apple shared how “Shot on iPhone” began as a ridiculously simple idea inspired by how real iPhone users were utilizing their iPhones.

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