4 Features of the User-Beloved App Good Lock 2021 to Enhance Your Galaxy Tab S7 and S7+ Experiences – Samsung Global Newsroom

The Galaxy Tab S7 and S7+ have been designed to help users do more across all aspects of their lives. To further customize those experiences, the Good Lock app provides a wide range of features so that users can make their devices their own.


With all Good Lock apps now updated to support Samsung’s latest Android 11 based devices,1 Galaxy Tab S7 and S7+ users can enjoy even more device customization. Read on for several highlights of the latest features available on Good Lock.



Keep Things Horizontal with MultiStar’s ‘Rotate with our best’

There’s nothing more inconvenient than when you have your Galaxy Tab S7 or S7+ propped up on your keyboard cover and the app you want to open doesn’t support landscape mode, meaning you have to manually re-orient your tablet.


With the MultiStar feature’s ‘Rotate with our best’2 option, you can use all apps, even those that don’t normally support landscape mode, at horizontal orientations on your tablet.


The MultiStar feature also offers other helpful functionalities for seamless experiences. ‘Enable multi window to all apps’ lets you open up multiple apps in pop-up or split-screen views, while ‘Pop-up view action’ allows you to switch between pop-up and full-screen views with a simple swipe from the top of your screen. ‘Immersive Mode’, new to Good Lock in 2021, lets you hide status and navigation bars when in split-screen view.




Enjoy Better Device Controls with One Hand Operation+

In order to make tablet usage more comfortable, the One Hand Operation+ feature3 adds gesture handles to your tablet screen so that you can easily control your tablet one-handed.

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With this feature, you can enable a thin gesture handle on either side of your screen and customize it to perform actions like loading the previous page in your browser or turning off the display.


You can even customize a gesture handle to take a screenshot, a functionality that otherwise requires you to use the ‘Palm swipe to capture’ feature.




Customize Your Color Palette with Theme Park

Everyone has their own personal tastes when it comes to color palettes, and from our clothes to our tablets, we all enjoy matching every aspect of our lives to our aesthetic.


This is where the Theme Park feature4 comes in. Theme Park lets you easily customize your Galaxy Tab S7 or S7+’s wallpaper, keyboard and Quick panel theme– an expansion of the Quick panel customization available previously via Good Lock’s QuickStar feature.




Personalize Your Keyboard with Keys Cafe

Finally, in order to provide you with keyboard experiences optimized to your needs and preferences, the Keys Cafe feature5 was launched last October.


Keys Cafe lets you customize your keyboard’s layout and offers various fun keyboard themes and effects. You can even customize your keyboard with bespoke shortcuts. Say you’re taking notes for class. With Keys Cafe, you can include a keyboard shortcut that lets you seamlessly insert today’s date or paste the last thing copied to the clipboard without disrupting your workflow.




1 Good Lock is currently available in 15 countries. Some Good Lock apps may not be available in certain markets and feature availability may vary depending on One UI version being run on a user’s device.

2 Enable this feature by entering the Good Lock app and selecting Unit > MultiStar > I ♡ Galaxy Tablet > Rotate with our best. User will then be prompted to choose When, Who, and How to enable the feature.

3 Enable this feature by entering the Good Lock app and selecting Family > One Hand Operation+ > add and/or customize Left handle/Right handle.

4 Enable this feature by entering the Good Lock app and selecting Family > Theme Park. This feature is available on tablets running One UI 3.0 and above.

5 Enable this feature by entering the Good Lock app and selecting Family > Keys Cafe.

This article was first published at Source link . You can check them out for other stuffs

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