2022’s Best Android Games, According to Redditor

We have already provided you with our list of top Android phones for the year of 2022. If you need yet another end of year list, let me introduce you to a redditor by the name of NimbleThor. This individual has gone ahead and ranked 43 Android games from this year, allowing all of us to discover a new title we might love as we bring in the new year.

My mobile gaming was rather boring this year. I played a lot of Stumble Guys, This is the Police, and Golf Peaks. Nothing too crazy in terms of apps, likely because I’ve been playing more web-based word games like Quordle, Octordle, and Waffle. Coming across NimbleThor’s list has been helpful, as it has put a few titles on my radar without me having to go through Google Play’s lists myself. Super clutch.

Below I’ll place the top-rated games for 2022, both ranks S and A. Naturally, these lists are subjective, so don’t get offended if you don’t see your favorite game.

Top Honors

As you can see, there’s a large range in prices, so if you have yourself a mobile game budget, there’s something for everyone above. Again, major shoutout to NimbleThor for compiling this list. Ridiculously helpful.

If you have a game that you loved in 2022 and aren’t seeing it on this list, share it in the comments below!

This article was first published at Source link . You can check them out for other stuffs

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