Google and Apple’s cross-platform unwanted tracking notifications are finally rolling out on iOS and Android

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What you need to know

  • Apple and Google have partnered to create a new industry spec, called Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers, which will deliver unknown tracking notifications to both iOS and Android users.
  • The move comes as the Find My Device continues to roll out for Android users and more Bluetooth item trackers come into the fold. 
  • Previously, Android users could download an app to scan for unknown Apple AirTags that may be tracking them. Now, there’s true cross-platform support. 

The prevalence and accuracy of cheap Bluetooth item trackers were intended to make them an easy way to keep track of your belongings. However, they’ve been used for countless nefarious purposes, and personal safety is now a major concern. That’s why Apple and Google have partnered to deliver an industry-wide specification for detecting unwanted item trackers, and it’s called “Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers.” Now, iOS and Android users will all receive unknown tracker alerts when conditions are met, regardless of which Bluetooth tracker or platform is used. 

Google and Apple first started work on this project more than a year ago, when the companies announced in May 2024 plans to build an industry standard for unwanted item tracking. 

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