BlackBerry Passport will fit in your pocket; device gets certified in Singapore

BlackBerry-Passport-One of the worries some prospective buyers are having about the upcoming BlackBerry Passport from those who have seen the phone only in pictures, is that the square shaped handset is so wide, it won’t fit into consumers’ pockets. BlackBerry had to make the device wide in order to accommodate the unique QWERTY keyboard. The keyboard doubles as a touchpad, and with wide keys, users should have no problem typing. In addition, without numbers or punctuation on the keyboard, these appear as virtual keys based on the context of what you are typing. Typing an email? You will see virtual keys appear for the “at sign” (@). Browsing the web? The virtual keys will show a colon (:) and a back slash (/), both necessary when tapping out a URL.

A photograph of the upcoming flagship, shows that the phone can fit into one’s pants pocket. While the photo doesn’t exactly reveal how deep into the pocket the unit will go, it does show that the width that many have been worrying about, should not be a problem.
One other piece of Passport news came to the forefront on Sunday. It seems that following its visit to the FCC and its GCF Certification, the BlackBerry Passport has been certified to be sold in Singapore. Another minor detail that had to be taken care of before the handset is unveiled next month.


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